Sticking with the topice was - Re: error messages installing .deb file

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Jan 10 13:00:04 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 10 January 2007 07:15, Yagnesh Desai wrote:
> and they are always surprised with .mp3 not working
> and instead of going into detail of why it is not
> working they just abandon the Linux. Hence for first timer
> I always recommend MEPIS.
> All the Best.

OK, so someone has been diligently corresponding with the list for several 
days on how to install files when one does not have an internet connection 
and you respond that because Ubuntu doesn't include MP3 out of the box MEPIS 
is a better distribution for first timers?

It'll really make it easier for people to follow along on the list if you keep 
your replies on topic and start a new thread for unrelated ideas.

Scott K

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