error messages installing .deb file

MICHAEL WEAVER michaelweaver1 at
Wed Jan 10 08:42:07 UTC 2007

Thanks for your email.
I got an error when trying to access your Howto, I have noticed a lot of 
Tripod pages come up with this kind of error message. I think that also 
because I am Totally Blind, screenshots are not very useful to me 
although there might be text as well I presume. However the second web 
address you gave me has possibly been of more use.
I have got the 11 .deb packages for Network Manager including Network 
Manager itself and I will try and install it possibly firstly by trying 
Network Manager on its own to see if the one which I tried downloading 
from the Network Manager pages itself had problems and if it comes up 
with the same error, try adding two or possibly 3 packages which could 
be the missing ones. I think I might have found two of them as I know I 
got an error about libnl1-pre and something about libml-util, I can't 
remember the exact dependency names of the top of my head as I am still 
a newby to Linux but I have seen files that have similar names to two of 
the dependency errors where certain files couldn't be installed but I 
believe you have put me on the right track for getting it up and running.

Yagnesh Desai wrote:
> Dear Weaver;
> I have writen a small How To kind of doc on installing
> software offline. (its a by newbie hence mostly
> screen shots) you can get it from:
> I wanted this procedure to be a wiki so that further experts
> can add to it and we can have a great howto . . .
> Any way try to learn from it.
> Then there is this great website
> where once you put the package name it gives the list
> and link to all the dependancies. You can download
> them and can start installing them one by one.
> The trick here is to know which all .deb files you will need
> to install the complete package. Keep them into 1 directory and
> dpkg all of them.
> you may even try
> $ dpkg -i ./*.deb
> If you know that the current directory have all the necessary
> .deb files.
> The warning here is that if few of the .deb files are
> missing then your package might not get installed properly
> here you have to be very careful to remove this package
> I tried to remove it and due to chain reaction of dependancies
> my whole K-Desktop environment got removed. Hence try installing
> the package but do not remove any broken package.
> Yagnesh
> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 16:25:16 +0000
> From: MICHAEL WEAVER <michaelweaver1 at>
> Subject: Re: error messages installing .deb file
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support,    not for general discussions"
>     <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID: <45A2706C.1070406 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> You are right.
> I was trying to install the Network Manager package off-line.
> I kept getting some kind of dependency problem, something about not
> being able to install libnl1-pre6, or something like that, libnm-util
> and there was a third file it couldn't seem to install so obviously it
> was a dependency error.
> I tried the suggested command on the wikki only I got the same thing
> when I did the command to install the package.
> I installed Edgy in December at my Linux group but didn't get chance to
> update it from when it was installed so it might be missing things which
> might be the problem.
> Yagnesh Desai wrote:
>> Dear Weaver;
>> What I use to do was from the Nautilus double click
>> the .deb file and it would try installing using
>> Package Manager where the error are easy to Ctrl+C
>> and Ctrl+V into a text editor like openoffice writer.
>> You are not using apt-get install hence it seems that
>> you are trying to install the package on the
>> m/c without internet connection is it true. . . ?
>> If yes then post your question to get help
>> on installing doing it offline.
>> Regards
>> Yagnesh
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 18:46:25 +0000
>> From: MICHAEL WEAVER <michaelweaver1 at>
>> Subject: error messages installing .deb file
>> To: ubuntu-users at
>> Message-ID: <45A14001.20903 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Does anyone know a way of copying text in Terminal to the clipboard so I
>> can paste it into a document in Openoffice Writer or whatever thing for
>> reading text?
>> I ask because with me being Totally Blind reviewing the error messages
>> when I type the terminal command to install the package when trying to
>> install Network Manager seems a bit long winded, it is not as simple as
>> doing CTRLA and going into something like Nano or VI or even going back
>> to the Gnome Desktop and pasting it into Writer and someone seemed a bit
>> impatient with me as a new user because I couldn't say what the error
>> messages were when trying to install this .deb package I got using
>> Firefox in Windows.
>> I started to write it out but I kept getting lost trying to review it.
>> It was some kind of dependency error where files I think like libnl1.
>> libnm-util or something like that and there was another package name
>> wcouldn't be installed and it seemed to be questioning the need for
>> these 3 files.
>> I am still a bit of a Newby to Ubuntu and have only managed to install
>> one package so far when I was at my LUG which was the S-Backup
>> application which unfortunately didn't work with speech or it didn't
>> with the early version of Orca I had.
>> The chap trying to help me install Ubuntu on my Desktop took away my
>> Edgy disk that I managed to burn to see if it was causing the problems I
>> was having with installing it ie the Grub not being installed on the
>> hard drive so I haven't got my Edgy Desktop CD and don't have any CDs to
>> burn a new copy on as most of the disks I have are DVDs.
> ------------------------------
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