(Off-topic) Software Information: "AutoCad for linux"

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 08:04:10 UTC 2007

On 10/01/07, Yagnesh Desai <ynd at lntenc.com> wrote:
> Friends;
> First thing first
> What Microsoft Windows is to OS
> AutoDesk Autocad is to CAD.
> Rather reframing it AutoCAD is worst than M$ in this.
> Why ?
> They also practice locking the user's inforamtion in
> a "Great" propritary format.
> Well there is this .dwg format of data files which it generates
> and Autodesk keeps on changing the file format every new release
> for reason better known to everyone.
> We can find lot many cad software on linux as we can find lot many
> distros of linux. But the problem is that each is made for different
> purpose and few of them are autocad immitations.
> I found QCAD as good imitation of AutoCAD (with only 2D supports)
> While the BricsCAD is not OpenSource as I know.
> Simmilarly there is free2Design (2D but too good for
> AutoCAD refuge) have found works on only Windows XP.
> I suggest all of interested cad users can request the
> distributor to provide the free2Design on Linux. I already have
> requested.
> Yagnesh

God job. I requested as well.

Dotan Cohen


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