Pixma MP 800 drivers?

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Tue Jan 9 19:35:20 UTC 2007

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> David B Teague wrote:
>> Hi Eberhard
>> Consumer Reports gives the Cannon multifunction marks. I'll go back and
>> compare the Cannon and HP multifunction device ratings and give that
>> *serious* consideration. Linux support is a big thing for me.
>> David
> David,
> so it is for me. And Consumer Reports are one thing, but Linux support and
> performance imho are something different. Also keep in mind that Canon
> recently changed to electronically "dongled" single ink cartridges, while
> HP changed from multi ink to "undongled" single ink recently, as far as I
> know.
> I am personally using a Multifunction HP Laserjet 3392 with perfect hplip
> support for print/fax/scan and a Canon i965 inkjet printer with turboprint.
> Although it is unfair to compare and turboprint is indeed excellent for
> printing, the software quality that HP provides with hplip, the ease of
> installation and the support quality through the hplip mailing list made it
> very easy for me to decide, even if HPlip would come at a prize (it
> actually is free as in beer and speech). Even if Canon would continue to
> deliver "free" single ink models (they do not!), I will surely continue to
> choose HP in the future, simply because their Linux Support imho deserves
> it, and the products are as ok as any, at least imho.
> Kind regards
> Eberhard

I agree on the linux support part; until Canon start supporting linux &
networked printing in general on many of their printers, I'd lean toward HP.

That said, I would also recommend that the OP take a hard look at what
he is going to use the printer for *and* the long term cost of
operation. When I did a inkjet "cost-of-operation" evaluation for a
customer about 1 1/2 years ago, the cost to operate an HP multifunction
printer over a 3 year period was considerably higher than the cost of
the Canon. Tom's Hardware guide has a pretty good article regarding COO:


click on the Table of Contents drop down box & select 16: Cost Per Page
and Total Cost of Use & that links to:


The con part to consider with the Canon is that the MP Pixma series is
*not* network friendly. The are connected via a single USB port, so you
need to keep a host machine up all the time in order to share the
printer with other systems. I share my MP Pixma 750 with 4 other Ubuntu
machines and 2 Windows machine without any problem. However it would
have been nice if they actually included an ethernet port to begin with.

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