e-mail server for intranet

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Jan 5 21:14:15 UTC 2007

Yagnesh Desai wrote:

> Firstly :
> So I need a mail server which is able to communicate
> with mail clients using "IMAP", while as a mail client
> any client which supports IMAP (which most of them do)
> will work.
> Though my preference is to also have web browser based
> mail access for the users (something like gmail/yahoomail).
> I think some available php modules would do the trick.
> Secondly :
> I need to put ristriction on SMTP communications
> so that the mail server only communicate with other two
> mail servers in intranet and no other server.
> So what are the recommendations here.

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