network settings

James Gray james.gray at
Fri Jan 5 03:42:47 UTC 2007

> Does the Network settings or whatever in Edgy allow me to make a second 
> Internet connection and if so can I set up the BT broadband account 
> without disturbing the connection I use where I attend my Linux group?
> I am wanting to switch from my Wireless connection to my wired Internet 
> connection without affecting what I have got set up for Wireless which 
> is the Wireless point for my LUG as I can't really do much until I have 
> an Internet connection in Linux at home.
> I have asked this question a few times and I haven't yet had any answer 
> as to how I can use my Laptop which has Edgy on it at home using my BT 
> Voyager MODEM as I don't have a Wireless Router or the information for 
> setting up my BT account via wireless connection.
> I can connect via both USB and Ethenet connections.

Have a look at "Network Manager" - its designed to resolve the sort of 
problems you are currently facing :)

Have a look at these links (watch the wrap)



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