two profiles, how do I disable flash 9 in one of the profiles

Dennis Castanos dennismouille at
Thu Jan 4 04:20:12 UTC 2007

This is fine Rebel, but mplayer, Gstreamers, etc has to work in Firefox  in order to watch video's on This is why I wish I simply could disable-enable even if it was from the terminal.  For some reason doesn't like flash 9 with my configuration.
thanks - Dennis

Rebel Lion <obsidion at> wrote: On Thursday 04 January 2007 14:40, Dennis Castanos wrote:
> two profiles, how do I disable flash 9 in one of the profiles?
> dennis

   Ok that didn't work how I expected because when you enable flash in one of 
them it creates a plugins directory in the .mozilla folder.
I finally got it to work like this...I went to and downloaded 
the tar.gz. I unzipped this locally, ie I opened a terminal in my home 
directory and tar zvxf nameoffirefox file. This unzipped to firefox inside my 
home directory I then made a shortcut to the firefox inside that directory 
and made its workpath point to there as well. This works on my system, this 
one has no plugins installed, I do use kde though, so I cannot say whether it 
will work this way on gnome. 

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