error downloaning

Login for trevor trevor.nye at
Tue Jan 2 20:31:29 UTC 2007

there is also a guide here

it also walks you through the installation


On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 13:38 -0500, Jeffrey F. Bloss wrote:
> dave L wrote:
> > William Biggs wrote:
> > > I got a new pc I put ubuntu on here but when I try to download
> > > w32codecs only this it donload the index.html file any ides ? Can
> > > someone send me a link so I can download them ?
> > > wget -c 
> >
> > 
> > Try downloading it using your browser, that will propably work.
> > 
> > AFAICT wget uses HTTP/1.0 to make the request and the selection of
> > the virtual host on the server side seems to fail resulting in a
> > flase redirection. Using a client which generates requests conforming
> > to HTTP/1.1 should work - as said above.
> I'm wondering if the problem here isn't the -c switch? I missed the OP
> but I know wget can behave oddly in some scenarios when trying to force
> a continuation if the remote server doesn't support them, files have
> changed, etc. Wget defaults to continuing aborted downloads anyway I
> believe, and it almost makes sense that if you tried to force them it
> would dutifully save any error messages issued on the remote end. Which
> could of course be HTMLized versions of of "unable to comply" messages
> automagically generated as an index.html.
> In any case I tried the download here and it works a treat with or
> without the -c switch even after I manually truncated a few bytes from
> the end of a completed download. But if, as you said, there's a
> revolving pool of mirrors or any odd redirection going on this could
> change from download to download.
> Wget version 1.10.2 FWIW...

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