Correction: Re: Windows Button

Freddie Ruddick frederific at
Mon Jan 1 19:55:52 UTC 2007

On 01/01/07, David Armour <d.f.armour at> wrote:
> Peter Garrett <peter.garrett <at>> writes:
>Is there something comparably
> useful I can do with all the buttons along the *top* of the keyboard? It's a MS
> Natural Keyboard Pro USB...

First thing to try is to go into the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, and try
them, with many keyboards they just work straight away.

If they don't, have a look at
<>. It's written for
Gentoo, not ubuntu, but much of it still applies.

An easier way, which I personally have had some success with, is
Keytouch <>, but the don't seem to
have much support for USB.

I can't quite work out your email; are you saying that you selected
your keyboard model in System>Preferences>Keyboard>Layout>Keyboard
model, and the buttons didn't work immediately; or are you saying that
you set your keyboard model, then tried System>Preferences>Keyboard
Shortcuts and they didn't show up in there?


Freddie :)
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

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