java 2RE
Gilles Gravier
Gilles at
Mon Jan 1 09:32:20 UTC 2007
Hi, Norman!
So... first things first... I tried on my laptop with Ubuntu Edgy and it
runs fine. Both with Java 1.5.0_08 and 1.6.0... Now let's look at what's
going on here.
First... the "L&F" messages are simple information messages telling you
that AstroStack3LE has found 3 possible look and feels that you should
be able to chose from : Metal, CDE/Motif (yeah, we've stuck with that
horror for a long time), and GTK+. All normal. No worries here.
The first one is telling you that it can't find "default.apf".
I get the same error message when I copy the .jar file to a directory
that doesn't contain the rest of the application files. And it doesn't
prevent anything from working. So, although I don't really know the
application, I suspect that this message isn't really an error but more
of an information, and that it will be created in time when you save
Try it without the "-Xmx256m" parameter (it starts fine like this for me).
I would check a few things...
1) Did you download and unzip this as your normal user, or as root?
2) Are you running it as root or as your normal user? (I did download,
unzip and run as my normal user).
I've tried it on a machine in 1024x768 where I don't get the
"java.awt.Dimension" notification... and also on a machine with
1280x1024 resolution, on which I do... no problems there.
So I'm really at a loss here.
Do you have an exotic graphics configuration (DISPLAY not set to :0.0,
or maybe are you running aiglx or fglrx)?
Have you asked AstroStack support as to what may be causing their
application to not run on your machine? Because for me it runs fine.
norman wrote:
> Gilles
> < snip >
>> Once you have installed the packages, remember to run the proper command
>> to enable them :
> I carried out your instructions and things happened as you said they
> would. I then tried to run Astrostack from the terminal, the application
> started and I got the following:-
> norman at gruber:~$ java -Xmx256m -jar AstroStack3le.jar
> default.apf (No such file or directory)
> -PI:true-
> 1.5.0_08
> Screen size :java.awt.Dimension[width=1280,height=1024]
> Screen resolution :95
> L&F: javax.swing.UIManager$LookAndFeelInfo[Metal
> javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel]
> L&F: javax.swing.UIManager$LookAndFeelInfo[CDE/Motif
> L&F: javax.swing.UIManager$LookAndFeelInfo[GTK+
> norman at gruber:~$
> I used this application some time ago and, from what I can remember,
> when files are loaded an image should appear in the top left hand panel.
> This does not happen.
> Norman
>> As a test example, download AppGate's MindTerm (SSH terminal written
>> 100% in Java and using a nice, but not too complex set of features) :
>> wget
>> unzip
>> cd mindterm_3.0.1-bin
>> java -jar mindterm.jar
>> If, after, maybe, a couple of warning diagnostic lines in your terminal
>> window, and a few popups to click, you get a nice window saying "appGATE
>> MindTerm" then your Java environment is properly set and you should have
>> no more problems.
>> Note: As a Sun person, I should write Java(TM) everywhere... but what
>> the heck. :) The aim is to help you get the stuff running nicely.
>> Tell us how it goes!
>> Gilles.
>> norman wrote:
>>> < snip >
>>>>> You are very fortunate in that you know what you are doing. I have no
>>>>> real idea on how to tweak anything thus, my instinct is to go for the
>>>>> easiest for me to do. I know how to type instructions into a terminal
>>>>> and that's as far as my experience goes.
>>>> Do you need the latest java ? If not, there are packages from the
>>>> multiverse repository you can install: -
>>>> sun-java5-bin <-- this will pull in the runtime as a dependency
>>> The application I want to run specifies J2SE JRE. I have tried
>>> sun-java5.bin but the application does not fully run. For example the
>>> various windows appear and seem to work except that images needed do not
>>> show.
>>> Thanks for your suggestions.
>>> Norman
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