Off Topic: anti spam software??

David B Teague davidbteague at
Sun Feb 25 21:42:46 UTC 2007

Steve Lamb wrote:
> David B Teague wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> I really want something that will challenge everyone not on the whitelist.
>     Er, no, very rude idea.  <SNIP convincing argument>
>     But for a longer version here is an excellent page describing the many
> problems with C/R:
I am convinced. NO Challenge/Response (C.R) here.

Thanks to you and to everyone who responded. I will try one of the other 
solutions suggested. (1)Let Thunderbird alone (2) use Spam Assassin (3) 
other ...

First, I'll just let Thunderbird do its thing for a while. Several have 
suggested Thunderbird's Baysean spam detection may need more experience 
than I have let it have before it has learned to junk the messages I 

I just looked, there junked 125 messages in the junk folder, of which 
Thunderbird junked about 20. Three correct postiives just now, <grin>. 
That doesn't count messages Thunderbird has deleted from the junk mail 
folder. Perhaps things aren't as bad as I thought.

Thanks guys!


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