upgrading to feisty

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Sun Feb 25 14:32:04 UTC 2007

Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 13:28:13 +1100
> "Lachlan Musicman" <lachlan.simpson at wilderness.org.au> wrote:
>> I just did sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list, then :%s/edgy/feisty/g,
>> sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade
>> plenty of stuff broke, similar issues with the ATI card (no X, dumped
>> to command line), missing themes etc.

Of course it broke, for a start you should be doing "sudo aptitude 
dist-upgrade" and again for a second time to be sure *not* "aptitude 

It is generally recommended if you are running gnome to press alt+f2 and 
  run the command: "gksu upgrade-manager -c -d"
Upgrade-manager has been tuned specifically for dealing with distro 
upgrades and might yield better results.

I had a dapper machine which I wanted to get up to speed with feisty, so 
tried to upgrade to edgy but the entire system was trashed. Ended up 
installing feisty from a CD of a nightly build, copied back my config 
files (e.g. samba, vsftpd) and I was in feisty. Its actually much 
quicker and hassle free to just do a clean install. Provided you have 
/home on a seperate partition!

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