[Kubuntu] About Kde Integration

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sun Feb 25 02:04:23 UTC 2007

Ouattara Oumar Aziz wrote:
> Ouattara Oumar Aziz a écrit :
>> Hi there,
>> I have tried kubuntu this afternoon, and I got pretty upset, so upset 
>> that I downloaded Mandriva 2007 to see the difference and ... There is a 
>> big gap between the two kde integration. After I finish installing that 
>> Mandriva on a VM I'll try to make a video and post it here.
>> So my point is, When I look at Gnome on Ubuntu, I can *Feel the 
>> Desktop*, designed to be clean an easy to see and use. When I look at 
>> KDE on kubuntu, I feel like they just installed KDE and a bunch of 
>> software and *basta* . So I first thought " Geez, how did I used KDE for 
>> a so long time when I was on Mandriva ? Did kde changes that much ?". So 
>> to check my impression out I retried Mandriva, and I can realize now, it 
>> 's a problem of integration.
>> So now I come to you, and just want to know what are your impression 
>> about this integration thing.
>> PS: Maybe it was because I tried with Feisty which is still in 
>> development. I'm downloading Edgy to check.
> Well, here goes some videos
> KDE on Kubuntu
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sYD2ZOrOcQ
> I focused on the menu (that I find messy) . Also,( maybe that's a bug or 
>   isn't activated) The system doesn't remember the password.

What do you mean?

> KDE on Mandriva
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnlTXngBXkY
> I pointed the differences (menu and password) . Note that I have a lot 
> of applications installed onto Mandriva and the menu is still usable. 
> Try to do that with kubuntu :) .

The menu looks over-complex, but neat.  I don't really care, though.
Also, the classical music kinda biases things, doesn't it. :)

Matthew Flaschen

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