Gabriel Dragffy
dragffy at yandex.ru
Fri Feb 23 16:35:13 UTC 2007
Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
>> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>>> Can someone please tell me what OBORONA-SPAM is?
>>> Matthew Flaschen
>> Oh dear
>> I'm sorry - it's my fault.
>> My mail provider (Yandex) adds OBORONA-SPAM to the subject of every
>> email it thinks is spam. Unfortunately it always thinks mail-list emails
>> could be spam. When I reply to a post I have to manually delete
>> OBORONA-SPAM from the subject, but sometimes I forget, or can't be bothered.
>> When I was using KDE, Kmail had an option to automatically rewrite the
>> messages headers and remove it. But months ago I switched to Gnome, and
>> more recently to OS X, and I can't find a way to rewrite messages
> There's always an SMTP proxy. :)
> Don't worry. It seems to be an international sensation
> (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=uUu&q=OBORONA-SPAM&btnG=Search).
> I have to say, though, it seems a pretty stupid spam tagging method.
> My ISP/university adds X- email headers which aren't displayed. It tags
> it with a rating (how likely to be spam) and descriptive tags. Both
> can be fed into Thunderbird, though I use just the rating. For example,
> the header for your email was:
> X-GT-Spam-Rating: (7%)
> X-GT-Spam-Details: No antispam rules were triggered by this message
> Matthew Flaschen
I'm quite happy with my mail provider. Don't fancy changing either,
nothing really wrong. But the spam thing is annoying, it is so sensitive
that virtually every email I receive is marked with OBORONA-SPAM.
THought that it would have learned by now....!
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