Ubuntu (Edgy) doesn't support my USB modem(ZXDSL852)

GĂ©rard BIGOT gerard.bigot at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 12:52:09 UTC 2007

On 2/23/07, Youcef ch <newbie.you at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> First at all i'm a newbie and new in this world of free
> software/open-source and i ve chosen to use Ubuntu as my first step but i
> face a problem with my modem usb wich isn't supported by Ubuntu (edgy also i
> tried the 6.06 LTS release).
> my ISP: Easy Adsl (Algerie-Telecom)
> i 've seen:
> http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/zxdsl852
> http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=16289
> and someone from my country in this topic(called Ishmael) has succeeded
> but dunno why my problem couldn't be resolved despite i did all the steps
> included in the tuto !
> Hope you'll help me as soon possible and Thanks!

I think more information is needed from you. Could you answer this question

"What are doing when it's failing ,and what error messsage do you get?"

It will allow us to begin to understand your problem.

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