Nautilus missbehaving

squareyes squareyes at
Fri Feb 23 01:32:44 UTC 2007

Hi all,
am having problems with Nautilus, opens my home folder OK, then on first 
use freezes, ans tops displaying files in it.
Shutting it down from the "not responding message, only results in it 
opening again, empty, again and again,
not showing any files, and it is now using nearly 100% of processor. 
Killing it with "Force Quit"
from Gnome panel, results in it re-opening still empty, and still using 
100% of processor.
Killing it with gps same. After killing it 3-4 times Desktop freezes, 
and can fix with Ctrl+Alt=Backspace.
On restarting Nautilus, same thing, fine when it first starts, but if I 
try to access anything it stops showing any files,
and is back to using all processor.
Have Xubuntu Desktop on too, and can use Thunar, but that also appears 
unstable, anything that has a few
"options to open with scolls back and forward through options. e.g if I 
try to open an mpg with other than the default
the list of available open with "Movie player" "Vlc " "Xfmedia" 
"Mplayer" etc, will not keep still, scrolls up and down through the 
list, chasing the moving item required can sometimes result in success, 
it's own built in game :-).
Any ideas would be very greatfully received, and running Dapper, haven't 
updated so nothing has been changed.
Many thanks in advance
Take Care

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