Imagemagick converting horizontal images
Jeffrey F. Bloss
jbloss at
Thu Feb 22 16:26:17 UTC 2007
Marcanth wrote:
> Hi,
> I have about 30 images and would like to resize only the horizontal
> ones. How could I do this with ImageMagick -resize option? Example:
The "horizontal" ones are what's called "landscape orientated". The
tall thin ones are "portrait". Just for future reference. ;)
> image01.jpg (width: 400, height: 200). This image (horizontal) will be
> resized to, let's say, 200x100.
> image02.jpg (width: 100, height: 500). This one is vertical, so it
> will not be affected.
> How could I do this?
Imagemagick includes a utility called 'identify' which outputs a single
line of info by default, which includes geometry. I'd leverage that in
a bash script. Something like this oversimplified, untested, and
pseudo-code infested example. ;)
#! /bin/bash
for i in $(ls) ## What, no wildcards!?!
## This should be done with sed + regex,
## but 'cut' is just easier to understand.
## If there's spaces in file names it breaks!
GEOMETRY=$(identify $i | cut -d' ' -f 3)
IWIDTH=$(echo $GEOMETRY | cut -d'x' -f 1)
IHEIGHT=$(echo $GEOMETRY | cut -d'x' -f 2)
### Now that we have our IWIDTH and IHEIGHT we
### test and resize if it's landscape oriented
if [ $IWIDTH -gt $IHEIGHT ] ; then
echo "Processing image $i ..."
convert -size <new-geometry> $i -write <outfile>
_?_ Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
(o o) Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
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