OT maybe: Looking for a tool or . . .?

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Tue Feb 20 02:22:20 UTC 2007

On 02/19/2007 05:10 PM, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Patton Echols wrote:
>> My question:  I'm sure that there is either a linux tool, or text editor 
>> with scripting ability that can do what I want.
> I'd recommend GNU Emacs for that.  Ubuntu of course has it in the
> repositories.  You can install it with the command:
> sudo apt-get install emacs
> It could definitely handle this kind of job easy.  This is tested, but
> not on your doc, so either make a backup copy or be familiar with emacs
> undo (Control-/).
Right, always backup before you intentionally break something.   :-)
> In Emacs:
> Bold:
> Alt-x replace-regex
> <b>.*?</b> RETURN
> Italics:
> Alt-x replace-regex
> <i>\(.*?\)</i> RETURN
> If you have questions, you could reply, or try the
> help-gnu-emacs at gnu.org list
> (http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-gnu-emacs)
> Matthew Flaschen

Ok, this looks like something I can figure out.  I appreciate it.

This is the sort of thing that I need to do in different forms 
repeatedly.  And part of the attraction of linux is the ability to do 
this stuff, so I really appreciate your help. Means a lot more than just 
this document . . . That means you too Michael G.  Thanks


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