desktop effects: XGL or AIGLX? compiz or beryl?...

Scott Abbey scott at
Sat Feb 17 21:59:34 UTC 2007

On Saturday 17 February 2007 15:53:56 Ouattara Oumar Aziz wrote:
> The distribution's choice is AIGLX *BUT* if you really want to follow
> the distribution choice and if you're going to install Edgy or earlier
> release, you must not install either compiz or beryl cause none are
> officially supported. If you're going to install feisty then you'll have
> desktop effects include.
> (I hope I am not wrong :-p )

FYI, the Ubuntu Technical Board voted recently to pass on desktop effects, be 
it beryl or compiz, for feisty, deferring them to feisty+1 [1]. As you can 
see from Matt Zimmerman's announcement, it was because the board felt the 
software was not yet mature enough for default inclusion in the stable 


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