XVID and Edgy...still

Luis lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 08:31:14 UTC 2007

It strikes me as odd that installing totem-xine (or any -xine based
app for this matter) and w32codecs, would not fix your issue.

I'd say try to downgrade to the w32codecs package you had before. The
one that people use on Dapper.

It could also be something particular about your system. I'd not mind
trying a sample video file from you if you put it in a place where it
can be downloaded. Say a sample 1 MB or so file that you tested
locally and it didn't work correctly on anything other than VLC. These
days I'm happy with using only totem-xine. I still keep VLC around
just in case you ever need it.

On 2/16/07, Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at gmail.com> wrote:
>  As I've posted twice or thrice before, I've got a video problem under Edgy.
>  Files -- MPEG4-encoded -- that worked fine under Dapper (after installing
> every codec available to mankind) have stopped working under Edgy (after
> installing every codec available to mankind).  First the problem was that
> none of the video apps (VLC wasn't tested at this time) worked, with
> Totem(Gstreamer) and Xine both complaining about the files being encoded in
> DivX5 format which they didn't know how to manage.  After doing a lot of
> digging I found a DivX6 codec, installed it and tried again.  Now
> Totem(Gstreamer) and Xine both complain that the same files are in XviD
> format -- which they both purport don't know how to manage.  Mplayer, too
> fails with far more cryptic error reports that boil down to "can't figure
> out the codec".
>  Now here's the problem: Xvid support *IS* installed:
>  $ aptitude search xvid
>  p   avifile-xvid-plugin             - XviD video encoding plugin for
> libavifile
>  p   gstreamer0.8-xvid               - XVID encoder plugin for GStreamer
>  v   libxvidcore                     -
>  v   libxvidcore-dev                 -
>  i   libxvidcore4                    - High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
>  p   libxvidcore4-dev                - High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
> -- de
>  id  xvid4conf                       - creates XviD configuration files
>  i   xvidtune                        - X client - xvidtune
>  $ aptitude show libxvidcore4
>  Package: libxvidcore4
>  State: installed
>  Automatically installed: no
>  Version: 2:1.1.0-final-0.1ubuntu1
>  Priority: optional
>  Section: multiverse/libs
>  Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Media Team <motumedia at tauware.de>
>  Uncompressed Size: 725k
>  Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1)
>  Provides: libxvidcore
>  Description: High quality ISO MPEG4 codec library
>  XviD is a high quality/performance ISO MPEG4 codec.
>  Now I'm not completely stuck.  VLC plays these files like a pro.
> Unfortunately I'm just really not happy with VLC's controls nor look.  So
> I'd like to get these MPEG-4 AVIs working for Totem and/or Xine.
>  What's the next step?
> --
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Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru

"Feliz el hombre que ha hallado sabiduria y el hombre que consigue
discernimiento, porque el tenerla como ganancia es mejor que tener la
plata como ganancia; y el tenerla como producto, [mejor] que el oro
mismo" (Prov 3:13-14).

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