Gilles Gravier
Gilles at Gravier.org
Thu Feb 15 21:29:44 UTC 2007
Lots of things don't work well with composite extensions...
John Dangler wrote:
> Thanks for the help!
> I did have to turn off the composite to get the package
> (mysql-gui-tools) to work. I must say, though, that I am very
> disappointed with both mysql administrator and mysql workbench.
> Workbench crashes if you sneeze, and admin doesn't backup databases
> correctly. IMO - don't bother with them...
> I do need a decent modeler (open source) if anyone has any recommends.
> dbdesigner4 has since quit, since that now became the alpha of
> workbench. I'm going to take another look at DataArchitext
> (TheKompany.com) . Their first offering was very tough to install, and
> somewhat kludgy, but it did work well for developing the logical model.
> If anyone knows of others, I'm all ears...
> Thanks again for the help in getting the openGL working.
> On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 09:58 -0600, Samuel Thurston, III wrote:
>> On 2/14/07, email.listen at googlemail.com <email.listen at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 15. February 2007 00:04:28 John Dangler wrote:
>>>> Does anyone here know how to get opengl installed in 6.10?
>>>> (I have mysql workbench installed, but it doesn't run because it needs
>>>> this).
>>>> I do have nvidia-glx installed, but apparently there's something more to
>>>> opengl than just that...
>>> For nvidia follow the documentation and check your xorg.conf:
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia
>>> Following the steps mentioned in the documentation openGL should work as
>>> expected. You also may have a look to the chapter "Troubleshooting".
>>> I would think that there is a block missing in your xorg.conf:
>>> ---8<----
>>> Section "Extensions"
>>> Option "Composite" "Disable"
>>> EndSection
>>> ---8<---
>> If you have everything else installed run:
>> sudo nvidia-glx-config enable
>> That's it. no need to tinker with your xorg.conf except special circumstances.
/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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