LTSP with Edubuntu 6.10 sound problem

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Feb 14 10:13:52 UTC 2007

On Di, 2007-02-13 at 18:27 -0900, Damien Hull wrote:
> I installed Edubuntu 6.10.
>    1. Booted the thin client
>          1. I can log in
>          2. I here sound on login
>          3. I plugged an IPod in and got an icon on the desktop
> Here's my problem
>    1. Played an mp3 with xmms and got no sound
>    2. Found the sound playing on the server
>    3. Tried to run xmms with "essddsp xmms" with no luck
all gstreamer and esound using apps play sound fine in edubuntu. the
problem are apps that either use alsa or oss directly like xmms. you
will find that rhythmbox plays your music just fine. for xmms the best
option is to enable the esound output plugin in the settings.

feisty implements pulseaudio with alsa emulation by default for sound. 
it emulates a virtual alsa card, problems like above wont occur anymore
in the future. if you want to follow the howto you linked, i'd suggest
to rather grab the listed third party packages from feistys sources and
recompile them for edgy (or ask the backports team to do that for
you ;) ) instead of using alienated rpms.

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