local deb mirror

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 13:26:10 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-02 at 12:59 +0000, Gabriel Dragffy wrote:

> > Can anybody suggest any pros and cons of having a local (private) deb
> > mirror for a small home (~6 machines) network?

>   Why not have the benefits of a local mirror without the disadvantage 
> of storing 200GB of data?
> Use apt-proxy or apt-cacher, perfectly suited for this situation. Only 
> the files that are needed by a machine are downloaded, and then they are 
> stored. Then all the files only get downloaded once. I found that after 
> a year my apt-cacher cache had only grown to less than 2gb. Perfect!

This works iff you have machines that are largely identical.  In my case
I have three machines.  One is my laptop which I have until recently
been using only Dapper on (and am really regretting the "upgrade" to
Edgy...).  On it I have mostly networking client software, office
software and that sort of thing.  Another is my development
workstation/network server/network experimentation box.  This is running
a very different set of packages.  Finally I have my testbed which has
at any given time several different versions of Ubuntu (and other
distros including LFS work but that's outside of the scope of an Ubuntu
repo).  Apt-proxy/cacher just didn't work out for me.  A
carefully-selective local repository was a better bet.
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