"Laptop lid closed, blanking screen"

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Wed Feb 7 00:22:01 UTC 2007

Steve Lamb wrote:
>     Anyone know what program in KUbuntu detects the laptop lid being closed
> and blanks the screen?  It is quite helpful in that it does tell me it is
> doing it.  Problem is that it does it every time I log into KDE.  See, my
> laptop is docked.  Almost 99.9% of the time it is in the dock.  With the lid
> closed.  Because I have a nice 19" CRT hooked into the dock.  And since the
> dock is designed with a monitor stand the lid is closed.  As you can imagine
> this is quite frustrating.  :(

In Kubuntu, go to KDE Control Center, then go to Power Center, then
Laptop Battery.  You should be able to configure everything there.

Matthew Flaschen

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