why mkinitramfs doesn't work?

Oliveiros Cristina oliveiros.cristina at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 00:46:42 UTC 2007

Dear All,
I am "desperately" trying to generate a ram drive image for use with a
kernel that I've just compiled.
But mkinitramfs always insists in returning this message :

oliveiros at Machon2:~$ sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd-2.6.11-krg-root.img
W: kernerl 2.6.11-krg-root too old for initramfs on i386
W: not generating requested initramfs for kernel 2.6.11-krg-root

My ubuntu version is 6.06 LTS

Can anybody give me a clue to what I might be doing wrong?

Any help deeply appreciated

Many thanks in advance

Kind Regards,
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