GnuPG front ends

Patton Echols p.echols at
Fri Feb 2 09:01:46 UTC 2007

On 02/01/2007 05:24 AM, Frank McCormick wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 22:55:04 -0800
> Patton Echols <p.echols at> wrote:
>> It looks like there are a couple of GUI front ends available for
>> GnuPG. Looking at the web sites, It appears that Seahorse is more
>> full featured than GPA, though my needs are fairly small.  I'd expect
>> some level of key manager and I  want to be able to encrypt / sign
>> clipboard contents or point to file, my choice.  Any thoughts about
>> which might be a better choice?
>    I can't speak for Seahorse but I run GPA and find it fills all my
> needs. But then all I need is signing/encryption of mail/
>> Also, I'd expect that if I tried GPA, for example.  then uninstalled
>> it and tried seahorse, keyrings etc would be there as soon as
>> installed, both should be looking for the standard GnuPG file
>> locations, right?
>   I would ***think*** so . When I installed T'bird after setting up
> GPG for Sylpheed, when it came to GPG setup it found all it needed.

Is there a T'bird plugin?  I don't recall seeing one.  What I'd done in 
windows is just copy the email to clipboard,sign that, then paste back. 
same for decrypt.  It's all I really need to do.
> Cheers
> Frank
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFFweorzWG7ldLG6fIRAq4MAKCXDSd9i5TOgoyWwt8MSV712s6ChACghjCT
> ubl0rkT3vuUXkWn9VudhaFI=
> =qOnw

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