Driver Installion problem for NetGear wireless card

Larry Shields larry at
Sun Dec 30 12:33:35 UTC 2007

NoOp wrote:
> On 12/27/2007 09:12 PM, Larry Shields wrote:
>> Ok fellows - - I am still having problems in getting my NetGear Wireless 
>> card working, so I am in need of some wireless guru to help me out...
>> The Driver that is installed shows in the attached script, which is 
>> invalid...
>> Now how does one remove that driver to try another one...???
>> Using ndiswrapper -r to remove the driver doesn't work, so where is this 
>> driver located, maybe I can manually delete it...???
>> Any help on getting my wireless card working would be very much 
>> appreciated...
>> Thanks Larry
> Install ndisgtk:
> sudo apt-get install ndisgtk
> You can add/remove drivers easily in ndiswrapper with that (it will show
> up in Applications|Internet if I recall correctly).
> Interestingly enough, I was trying to get an old Linksys WUSB11 2.8
> working on my son's laptop last week (works on his desktop) and never
> did get it to work. Tried just about everything. Finally my other son
> gave me his Dynex PCMCIA card to try; plugged it in, Gutsy informed me
> that I needed a restricted driver (Broadcom chipset), provided a link to
> download it, I clicked yes, and it loaded the driver. Rebooted and
> turned it on in the restricted drivers manager
> (System|Administration|Restricted Drivers) and the darn thing came up
> with all lights and started working! Blew my mind as I previously had to
> do handstands to get a Belkin PCMCIA card to work in the same laptop
> (Thinkpad T21).
Hello NoOp,

I downloaded ndisgtk, and tried the .inf file for winxp, that came with 
the NetGear wireless adapter, the wg111v2 from there CD...But it does 
not seem to connect to the modem downstairs...

I did put the  network password in where it shows, password type WPA, 
the network name essid I used "gibson" now I am not sure if this is 
correct or not...???

But when I try to see what iwlist wlan0 scan tells me it shows the essid 
name as "2wire363"   Now where would that come from, any idea...???

I'll attach the output of ifconfig, route, and iwlist's scan for you to 
look at...

Thanks for the help, I am really in need of it...


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