Life on the Command Line

thomas fisher studio1 at
Sat Dec 29 20:35:44 UTC 2007

On Friday 28 December 2007 10:35:53 Rosalind Mitchell wrote:
> Driven by a combination of curiosity, nostalgia (old enough to remember
> being shown VisiCalc and thinking it a wonder) and natural
> steampunkishness, I've been investigating ways of running everyday
> applications from the command line in text sessions.  Using
> Mutt/Fetchmail/Exim for email, slrn for Usenet, vim and emacs for
> development, sc for financial work, that sort of thing.
> How far do others manage to get using text-based applications only?  Any
> real hidden gems I should be aware of?
> Rosie
  Power of the command line? Is that the question? Dig into the multitudes of 
scripts that the GUI users are not even aware of in Linux that make it 
happen. Bash, Tcl/Tk, Perl, Python are just some of that which makes Linux 
hum. Go to a command line and enter  #man init to learn about the little 
magician that empowers the boot sequence. A trip into Bash commands:      is just a beginning.

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