INX Is Not X - Apps (was Re: Life on the Command Line)

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Dec 29 13:05:13 UTC 2007

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:07:28 +0000
Rolando Pereira <finalyugi at> wrote:

> Peter Garrett wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 17:35:53 +0000
> > Rosalind Mitchell <rcm at> wrote:
> > 
> >> How far do others manage to get using text-based applications only?  Any
> >> real hidden gems I should be aware of?
> > 
> > At the risk of being accused of self-promotion... Have a look at the INX
> > live CD linked in my .sig   :) Start with watching the slideshow at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Others have mentioned quite a few apps...
> > 
> Nice job, from the screenshots there appears to use some programs that I
> don't know.
> Is there a list with the programs that the Live CD brings? (My
> connection is slow, so I can't just download it and see)

Ah, that has been suggested before :) I really should add such a list!
Off the top of my head ( probably leaving things out - I am relying on
memory here for the moment):


fbi, fbgs ( viewers for pictures and pdf)

File Managers:
mc ( midnight commander)

mplayer ( used for music and framebuffer video playing)
moc ( music player - very nice )
cplay ( another music player, tiny and also nice, but less powerful than

plait - a script by Stephen Jungels that does a lot of cool stuff, but I
use it as a back-end for Shoutcast music searches ( configured to use
mplayer to play the streams)

codecs handled by ffmpeg ( mplayer can play real media, windows media etc.
as well as mp3 and of course ogg )

ogg123 , mpg321

"file sharing" using sshfs ( "Secure Access" menu)
With this you can "mount" file systems from any ssh server.

A couple of little games ( robotfindskitten, greed)
cmatrix, inevitably ;)

Fun intro... with some surprises for those who don't know...

calcurse appointments/to-do calendar
wcalc calculator
sc spreadsheet

vim ,  including runtime

*cough* ed  ;-)

(I will probably add the "zile" mini-emacs soon)

GNU screen, of course - with some configuration tweaks ( date, visible
numbers etc.)
There are some pre-configured screen sessions - for example you can type
"monitor" or "music" or "mailscreen"...  Also an easy access menu for

mutt mail , with an IMAPS configuration menu ( uses msmtp to relay sent
mail through ISPs smtp server)

little wrapper commands for convenience:
google <keywords>
wiki, wikig <keywords>  ( wikipedia in elinks or links2 -g)
dict <keyword>  ( dictionary)

tutorials for CLI phobic people ;) INX was originally intended as a CLI

IRC = irssi
pppconfig ( dialup config)
pppoeconf ( DSL config if needed - dhcp routers should automatically be on


"usbmount" for mounting usb pendrives etc. , with a menu and access

You can adjust time , and toggle a clock on and off (vcstime) The current
tty is also indicated (tty1-6)

Eight colour schemes, just hit "f" to cycle through them :)

 Probably left out something important :)

To anyone who reads this and is interested: please test! Currently Beta...

Kind of on-topic, since it is really Ubuntu 7.04 (minimal) underneath...


"INX Is Not X" based on Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD:
Screenshots slideshow:
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