Linux kernel 2.4 on Ubuntu 7.10 howto?

Neil Cherry ncherry at
Wed Dec 26 21:05:14 UTC 2007

Stevica Kurcubic wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this old computer and i'm using Ubuntu 7.10 server on it. I
> would like to add some old PCI card there and it can only work with
> 2.4 kernel. What will be the easiest way to install kernel 2.4 there.
> Security and updates are not the issue. This computer does not have
> access to internet, so the only thing important is to have kernel 2.4
> up and running.

A rather strange request, rather than add to the current argument,
let me add my opinion that you'll be hard pressed to get a 2.4
kernel running under Ubuntu. It's kind of like replacing the
basement of an apartment building. A lot of things are built on
top of the kernel and run through it.

What device is it that doesn't work with the current 2.6 kernel?

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at                         Main site                    My HA Blog
Author of:    	Linux Smart Homes For Dummies

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