Linux kernel 2.4 on Ubuntu 7.10 howto?

Victor Sterpu victor at
Wed Dec 26 20:43:54 UTC 2007

It's not about what users do with their computers. They can do what they 
want with them.

Many people that came here don't really know what they want. They can't 
even start to imagine what the solution coud be. :)
The user that initiated this thread may not actualy need a kernel replace.
This is why the device type is important.

Steve Flynn wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2007 7:44 PM, Victor Sterpu <victor at> wrote:
>> The problem with rephrasing is that Gerald is actualy right to ask that
>> question.
> I don't believe he is. I wasn't aware that anyone had to have
> justification for wanting to do something with their installation -
> the members of this list have no reason to know WHY a user wants to do
> something - as the poster said, it's not actually important why he
> wants to install a 2.4 kernel or what hardware he wants to use, just
> that he does...
>> The odds are minimal to actualy need a kernel replace to 2.4.
> Entirely dependant upon the hardware in question.
> Your link was far better than the zero information I offered to the OP
> and for that I apologise.

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