problems with ubuntu 7.10 and tex-live

C. N. Campos campos at
Fri Dec 21 17:58:03 UTC 2007

Dear all,

I'd like to report a problem that has been occurring with me since I
upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10.

One of the programs that I use most is latex. When I have to prepare a
presentation I use powerdot. The problem is in the generation of my pdf
file. Let me explain what happened.

I was preparing a presentation and realized that the pdf file generated
by ps2pdf was wrong (the ps file was ok). My slides are in landscape
mode and in the pdf file they are truncated on the right side. That is,
the pages seems to have the correct height but the wrong width (the
width seems as if it was portrait).

It was very strange, I couldn't see any problems with my file.
Therefore, I decided to try with  another file that I was sure that
previously worked.

I have a presentation ready from a lecture that occurred in Oct, 22. To
generate that file I used:

latex <name>.tex
dvips <name>
ps2pdf <name>

So I took my older presentation and recompiled it. The result was wrong
again. I tried with other presentations and the error occurred in every
try. The error occurred with presentations that use seminar package also.

In fact, at the end, after all tries, it seems to me that the problem is
with GhostScript. The reason for this is that I tried with several
options of compilation (not only ps2pdf). I forced in many ways I could
and it never worked. But, I have to admit that I do not understand much
about this kind of stuff. The only thing I am sure is that before it
worked, and now it does not. The difference between these two situations
is the ubuntu version (which implies the use of tex-live).

I would appreciate any help. Thank you very much,
C. N. Campos

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