installed without adding user - no user no passwd - ?!

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Fri Dec 21 21:03:24 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> anthony baldwin wrote:
>> anthony baldwin wrote:
>>> I installed xubuntu dapper from the alt install disc,
>>> and, at no point did it ask me to create a user.
>>> Now, I am looking at a login screen...and I have no
>>> username nor password to get in.
>>> How do I fix that?
>> I went in recovery mode and added a user
>> than added myself to sudo
>> I think I'm in...
> So do tell - now that you're in, can you see another user?  It seems pretty
> hard to imagine that it doesn't at least _think_ you gave it a user name.
> There have been reports like this before, but usually the poster simply
> can't _remember_ giving a user name.  If you now have a system where the
> only non-system-user is the one you just created, that's pretty strong
> evidence that it really does happen.

There was actually no user...
weirdest thing I ever saw...
Well, maybe not the weirdest, but pretty weird, anyway...


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