dual-booting ubuntu with vista

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Dec 21 15:24:17 UTC 2007

Raseel Bhagat wrote:

> Hi,
> On Dec 21, 2007 10:19 AM, Don Raikes <don at draikes.com> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> My question is how to partition the harddrive. The windows partition is
>> 100gb, and takes the entire drive. The c: drive has roughly 49gb free.
>> When he goes to install ubuntu, is there a way to shrink the existing
>> partition by 40gb to give plenty of room for ubuntu?
>> What tool do we need, and how do we do it?
> Vista lets you shrink the partition. I think that is the best thing to do.
> I had tried with Gparted as well, but I goofed up somewhere, I don't know
> whether it was because of the NTFS Fstype issue.

I _think_ it's because Vista doesn't like you messing with the length of its
filesystem from outside Vista.  

> The best thing is to shrink the partition from Vista  and then create a
> new partition via the partition editor as part of the the Ubuntu install
> process.

Or, if you have the restore media, to completely remove Vista, create a new
partition that's smaller, and then reinstall Vista.  I did that, because
Vista requires a huge amount of space, and still only lets you shrink the
partition to about twice the size of what it really needs.

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