4G Memory Only Recognised 3.4G

Owen Townend bowbowbow at optushome.com.au
Tue Dec 18 06:12:35 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 23:03 -0200, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Em Monday 17 December 2007 22:55:47 James Takac escreveu:
> > On Tuesday 18 December 2007 10:26:54 Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
> > > Recently, I have installed 4 x 1GB memory sticks with Ubuntu 7.10, but my
> > > system only sees it as 3.4GB. Is this a typical phenomenon? Or, how can I
> > Your missing memory would 
> > be  
> > the approx 640K base memory. 
> I think you lost your math here (hint: double check the units).
> I don't have an answer to the OP, though.
> regards
> FF

Hey all,
  Best explanation I've found yet is this one:

  Basically, 32bit address space includes all sorts of things including
video card memory as well as just the RAM.


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