Graphic Equalizer

David Vincent dvincent at
Sun Dec 16 22:31:40 UTC 2007

Michael wrote:
> Davide Corio wrote:
>> Il giorno dom, 16/12/2007 alle 10.37 -0800, Michael ha scritto:
>>> Thanks, I have tried it, no playlist support.
>> It's not true, xmms supports playlist.
>> You can even try beep, a sound player based on Xmms, but with a gtk2
>> GUI.
> I have over 25000 files, I need 'smart' playlist support.  I will look 
> at beep, thanks.

i don't really understand what you mean by smart playlist support.

i think i have this right - audacious and beep are based on xmms which 
was an attempt at getting a winamp type player circa v2.x onto linux. 
(ie. works for playing music and doesn't try to do fancy stuff like 
burn/rip music or manage it.)  personally audacious has problems 
streaming properly from my gnump3d server, i find beep annoying, and 
while xmms is the best (most capable) imho of the three players, it is a 
little ugly at times and isn't gnome-integrated as nicely as the others. 
  (right-click menus for instance.)

rhythmbox is not for me either, too much dependence on tags for music 

if you don't want amarok have you looked at exaile?  it is an amarok 
player built for gnome.  personally i don't like either, they aloso 
depend too heavily on tags to sort my music collection.

mythtv has mythmusic which you can tell to use the directories as the 
sort and display order - it is very very customizeable.  but - the 
navigation within mythmusic is crude and overall it is a pretty terrible 
music player (can't ffw/rwd most mp3s for instance).

using vlc/totem/mplayer/xine is just horrible.  none of them are really 
geared towards music.

what do i use?  gnump3d and xmms with my favorite winamp 2.x skin. 
gnump3d sorts on directories and reads tags and creates playlists for 
each folder as well as doing random directory stuff and random playlist 
generation.  it also has some fun statistics to look at too.

that and xmbc in the livingroom pointed at some smb shares.  that's my 
real favorite, it has a nice intuitive interface and works with a 
remote.  :)  i hope this project takes off...


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