Sound Problems on ASUS laptop Z53S

Alex D.Capo nokedanick at
Wed Dec 12 00:26:41 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Sorry for my basic speaking english level .
I'm having problems getting on the sound on my laptop.
It seems to be all ok with ALSA, sound card driver configured ok (Intel HDA - Realtek ACL660) but no sound goes out the speakers.
I've read lots of forums and I finally saw one talking about ACPI problems on the DSDT (MS) compiled file.

I disassembled de DSDT.dst file and getting errors on recompiling.
The problem is I'm a very novel and I don't have enough programming skills to understand the ACPI specs and its programming language.

So, my question is:
Have someone found / recompiled the DSDT for / on that machine can send me the file to include on my initrd?

Or if some of you have more ideas / links i can follow, I'll be glad.


¿Chef por primera vez?
Sé un mejor Cocinillas.
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