HELP Gutsy is down and can't get up

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Dec 10 06:58:36 UTC 2007

Larry Alkoff wrote:
> Ifconfig eth0 does not report an inet, Bcast or mask address.
> The router and other computers in the house are working normally.
> The route command gives a blank table with no entries.
> I have tried /etc/init.d/networking restart with no results.

Is your setup static or do you get an IP from the router via DHCP? Have a 
look at /etc/network/interfaces - perhaps there is something wrong with 
that file. It should look like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Only if you are using static routing you will have to change the entries 
for eth0 giving it an IP address, netmask and gateway.

Then check the HWaddr of eth0 with "ifconfig eth0" and compare it with the 
one you can see if you use Feisty. It should be the same.

Finally you could try "dhclient3 eth0" to get an IP address from your 
router. That should be done with "/etc/init.d/networking restart" but it 
doesn't hurt to try it anyway - and maybe there is an error message.


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