Nvidia help

James Weeks chiptoxic at chiptoxic.net
Sat Dec 8 21:25:04 UTC 2007

i had a similar problem not had time to fix it yet but for me its a 
kernel upgrade and for some reason modprobe it cant find my nvidia driver

i know the driver works as i can load it manually like
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-server/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko
then start gdm

i know this should be the right location because "uname -a" tells me the 
Linux rose 2.6.20-16-server #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:26:23 UTC 2007 i686 

im guessing you must have a problem like me in that modprobe cant find 
the right driver to load it automaticly before X loads or is looking 
somewhere else i just have not had time to find out how you tell 
modprobe where to look or even find out where modprobe is trying to look 
for video driver by default. I thought as long as you the driver 
compiled against the currently running kernel it worked.

Aart Koelewijn wrote:
> Op za, 08-12-2007 te 10:29 -0800, schreef Michael Atkinson:
>> I was wondering if somebody could help me set up my nvidia drivers, I
>> had them installed once and running perfectly on ubuntu gutsy, but I
>> reformatted and reinstalled gutsy then I tried reinstalling the
>> drivers and now it doesn't work right. any help is appreciated 
> Hello Michael,
> I could only get the nvidia drivers working more or less if I put
> "acpi=off pci=biosirq" in the boot line from grub. Even then a lot off
> things didn't work (sound, battery level a.o.). So I switched back to
> the old Fiesty kernel and nvidia drivers (everything else is Gutsy).
> With that kernel and drivers it works ok.
> Aart

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