
Tom Bamford tom at
Sat Dec 8 04:27:30 UTC 2007

Willis wrote:
> If I download e-Sword for Ubuntu in root, it uses wine to process the 
> package but it does not appear in my Applications as user.  If I down 
> load it as user it uses Gdebi to process the package and nothing happens 
> at all.  I checked the options dropdown but wine is not there.  Please 
> help, it's the forth day now and I give.
Do you have a deb package for e-Sword? I have installed it manually with 
success - I can help with doing that.

If you have it installed but without a menu entry, you'll have to find 
out where it's installed to and create an entry manually. One way I know 
of finding this out is to load Synaptic and view the properties for a 
package. There is a tab in the properties window that shows all files 
installed by a package.


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