Lotus Notes (4.5 perhaps newer) as standalone mailer with Ubuntu 7.10 & ff ???

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Sat Dec 8 00:24:37 UTC 2007

Hello Lotus Notes / Ubuntu Experts
I would appreciate to get in more direct contact with you !?

After more than 12 years with OS/2 Warp and its standalone 
Lotus Notes I am preparing a move to Ubuntu !

Would love competent advice and guidance to get it done 
without loosing my existing stuff and continuing seamless !!

Another thought:
Downsizing our little home network to more mobile and silent 
systems I would like to find an attractive solution with the 2nd HDD 
in the Thinkpad Docking Station as a backup / replication unit without 
the need of a (complicated / oversized) Domino / Notes combo ?!?

TIA for your help, hints and warnings ;-)
Cheers, svobi

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