Evolution PopUP: Error while Fetching Mail / TQ - Problem SOLVED !

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Fri Dec 7 13:17:40 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 08:29 -0500, Caleb Marcus wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 7:03 PM, SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux <i-ubux at synass.net>
> wrote:
>         Hello Evo users
>         Recently my Evo 2.12.1 brings this error message also saying:
>         Host lookup failed: pop.domainname.net: Name or service not
>         known
>         Why ???
>         It started with my previous ISP and continues, just changed
>         these days,
>         with
>         the new ISP !
>         Well, my old ISP used POP, where the new on uses MAIL !?
>         Well, generally both are used for POP(3) and should not give
>         any 
>         problems !?
>         I have setup about a dozen accounts some with "alias" resp.
>         "forwarders"
>         for some
>         used nicks ;-)
>         3 accounts are NOT suppose to remember the PWD due their
>         larger volumes: 
>         I set the PWD manually after reading all the more important
>         personal
>         emails ;-)
>         Any hints or suggestions are very welcome ;-))
>         TIA, cheers, svobi
> Have you tried any other mail clients? Try installing and using
> Thunderbird. If you can't get that to work, you'll know that the issue
> is either with what you're doing or on the ISP's end. 

Thanks for your reply and the hint to Thunderbird !

In the meantime I have found my mistake and after correction everthing
goes smooth as ever ;-)

I am an avid fan/user of Lotus Notes (LN) since more than 10 years and 
would love to get my current LN environment to this new Ubuntu one !

My fear, as a Ubuntu greenhorn, is that I am unable to manage and/or
LN under whatever Linux ...
... and I also fear that LN may not work as expected anymore !?

Why LN ?
LN, for me, is my primary GUI ...
... my PIM and Thinktank !!!

It will be a very happy day for me to get LN working properly 
in my environment under Ubuntu ;-)

As for Thunderbird:
I am not a big fan of splitting browser and mailer !
Seamonkey is more my way !!

Under WIN XP Pro I am using TB as a temporary mail checker and 
FF as browser when really needed ;-)

Cheers, svobi

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