Evolution PopUP: Error while Fetching Mail

Caleb Marcus caleb.marcus at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 13:29:18 UTC 2007

On Dec 5, 2007 7:03 PM, SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux <i-ubux at synass.net> wrote:

> Hello Evo users
> Recently my Evo 2.12.1 brings this error message also saying:
> Host lookup failed: pop.domainname.net: Name or service not known
> Why ???
> It started with my previous ISP and continues, just changed these days,
> with
> the new ISP !
> Well, my old ISP used POP, where the new on uses MAIL !?
> Well, generally both are used for POP(3) and should not give any
> problems !?
> I have setup about a dozen accounts some with "alias" resp. "forwarders"
> for some
> used nicks ;-)
> 3 accounts are NOT suppose to remember the PWD due their larger volumes:
> I set the PWD manually after reading all the more important personal
> emails ;-)
> Any hints or suggestions are very welcome ;-))
> TIA, cheers, svobi
> <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users>

Have you tried any other mail clients? Try installing and using Thunderbird.
If you can't get that to work, you'll know that the issue is either with
what you're doing or on the ISP's end.
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