Give grandma the right reasons to use Ubuntu

andy baxter andy at
Fri Dec 7 09:53:31 UTC 2007

andy baxter wrote:
> niel wrote:
>>> Marco Fioretti
>>> --
>>> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on
>>> how software is used *around* you:
>> Pls find another mailing liste :-)
> Why?? The list name is 'ubuntu-users' not 
> 'ubuntu-tech-support-and-nothing-else'. I found this site interesting 
> and useful, and I'm glad he posted it, even if he did help write it. 
> Would you feel the same way if he had posted a link to a site he'd found 
> but didn't write himself?
> andy.
Actually, I take this back - the list description /is/ "Ubuntu user 
technical support, not for general discussions". But personally I don't 
mind seeing the odd off topic mail as long as it's interesting - it can 
be like yeast in the bread when you've spent a while going through tech 
support posts.

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