Cowon iaudio t2 charging status

chombee chombee at
Mon Dec 3 15:13:19 UTC 2007

Just using a Cowon iAudio T2 ('mp3 player' with linux and ogg vorbis 
support). For transferring files it works like a standard USB device -- 
plug it in and a file browser window pops up. You are supposed to 
charge the battery via USB too. The instructions say to plug it in, 
then "Use the safe remove wizard on your computer" (a Windows reference 
I guess) and then the player will display the charge status instead of 
the "USB Connected" symbol. So I unmount the device in Ubuntu (via the 
GUI) but leave it plugged in, but it still displays the USB Connected 

It _does_ appear to be charging, but you have to unplug the device to 
see the charge level. I'd like to figure out how to display the charge 
level while it's charging like it's supposed to.

Any ideas?



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