Network question

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Sat Dec 1 23:44:54 UTC 2007

On Sunday 02 December 2007 09:04:52 Willis wrote:
> I did the /itchus desktop /upgrade and I got a perfectly useful Bible
> application.  If I go from my windows unit I can access all the
> computers and printers on the network.  I can even go into my files on
> the Ubuntu unit that are shared.
> Form this computer I see the Windows Network but it is empty and at the
> root of my network, before the upgrade, I saw all the shared folders on
> the Windows units as well as the Windows Network Icon.  I cannot seem to
> find the answer anywhere, any suggestions?

Hi Willis

I had a similar prob a while back and couldn't find anything via google. I 
ended up opening synaptic package manager and searching thru for smb and 
samba installing those which suggested windows shares use. Eventually I got 
my windows shares back up to scratch. It may be that something else needs to 
be added to complete it for you as well


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