VMWare Server - Use Physical WinXP?

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 31 16:32:05 UTC 2007

(Fixed reply/quoting order...)

Chris Malton wrote:
> Robin Lewis wrote:
>> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>>> Michael James wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:20 am Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>>>>> 	My laptop has WinXP installed on sda1, and Ubuntu on sda2. Has anyone
>>>>>> with a similar setup used the Wizard in VMWare Server to use the WinXP
>>>>>> install as a guest to Ubuntu? To be precise, if I try this, I'm
>>>>>> wondering if the WinXP install will get hosed....

>>>>> Boot into the native windows install and go to the hardware wizard.
>>>>> Create a  "vmware"  profile as well as the default one.
>>>>> You could all the existing profile  "native"  or  "hardware".
>>>>> Don't bother to change anything in either profile at this stage.
>>>>> Re-boot into Ubunto and fire up VMware.
>>>>> Give the virtual machine access to the raw Windows partition.
>>>>> Boot Windows within VMware and choose the  "VMware"  profile.
>>>>> Windows will say something to the effect of,
>>>>>  "Wow things have changed, do you want me to adjust?"
>>>>> Saying yes will only change the  "VMware"  hardware profile,
>>>>>  leaving the  "Native"  one for real boots.  (if you ever do that again...)

>>>> 	Hmmm, got Grub error 17... When I created the VM, I chose to use just 
>>>> the WinXP partition. I wonder if I should haven chosen the whole disk? 
>>>> Probably have to edit Grub so I have plenty of time to choose WinXP. 
>>>> Ubuntu is the default...

>>> 	Well I tried one using the whole disk, chose to boot Windows in grub, 
>>> chose the Virtual machine hardware profile I created before, and got a 
>>> BSOD. Stop error....
>>> 	Any ideas? I'll continue fiddling...

 >> Hey Dave,
 >> I did the same thing and got the same Stop error on the BSOD.
 >> I looked for few solutions and it looks like windows cannot load
 >> device drivers for some boot device (scsi controller in my case).
 >> Vmware site mentions something about installing a lsilogic driver
 >> before hand on windows but I am not sure how to do it. Has anybody
 >> here been successful in booting  winxp in a virtual machine directly
 >> from a physical partition on a SCSI disk..?
 >> -Robin
 >> Ref:
 >> http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_disk_scsi_linux.html
 >> http://www.vmware.com/download/server/drivers_tools.html
 >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324103
 >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314082

 > I know it is possible.  Perhaps if you get VMWare to emulate the drive
 > as an IDE drive?
 > What the VMWare Site suggests is during the install of XP.  Once you
 > have installed XP, it's difficult to inject the driver.  Setting the
 > device as IDE (if you can) would be the best bet.  Win XP has the
 > drivers for that.
 > Chris

	Unless I missed it, I didn't see anything giving me the option to use 
it as an IDE disk... I'll have to look some more

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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