dpkg command in 7.4 seems to be different

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at cbn.net.id
Fri Aug 31 00:52:44 UTC 2007

On Friday 31 August 2007 07:31:17 Christopher Gray wrote:
> Hello:
> In 6.10, I had no problem with the dpkg command.  However, in 7.4, when I
> issue
>       # dpkg -i imapd.deb
> I get
>       tar: Skipping to next header
>       tar:  Error exit dealyed from previous errors
> ...
> There are some other errors with other .deb files, but the baseline problem
> is that dpkg seems to work differently than before.  Any suggestion would
> be greatly appreciated.

Hello Chris,
Looks like the .deb file is corrupted?
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
07:52:42 up 17 min, 2.6.20-16-generic GNU/Linux 
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