Installation Assistance (Multiple CD Verification Failures)

Rashkae ubuntu at
Thu Aug 30 15:39:39 UTC 2007

Christopher Burke wrote:

> 1.	What would cause a failure in the MD5 verification other than a
> defective CD? 

1. Deffective CD-ROM drive, or at least, a CD-ROM drive that is unable 
to read the the media that is burned from your burner

2. Deffective Ram.  Test this first by running memtest from a boot cd. 
If memtest can run and doesn't find any errors within approx 10 minutes 
of running, replace the CD-ROM drive.

> 2.	What is going on during the verification test that would cause it to
> consistently succeed on one machine while failing on another? 

See above

> 3.	I used InfraRecorder to burn all the CD's, all with the default
> options selected. Has anyone ever come across hardware (e.g. the CD device,
> etc.) that simply requires different settings when burning the image? And if
> so, what other settings are relevant? 

Not really

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