Fwd: hp dv9540 laptop second harddrive not detected

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 12:17:56 UTC 2007

Hi Neils

On Wednesday 29 August 2007 21:23:14 Niels Larsen wrote:
> > Hi Neils
> >
> > Then sdb1 would appear to be the drive when it is working. Been doing a
> > lil more searching and have found some instances of bios settings when
> > set wrong giving a hit and miss affair as it were with the drive. Beyond
> > possible bios settings, I'll admit to being at a loss. That my idea got
> > somw sucess suggests we're on the right path so to speak. Or how about
> > your /etc/fstab file? Are there any lines that pont to sdb1? Can u
> Yes, I have put a line in /etc/fstab, but when the block device is not
> detected (/dev/sda and /dev/sda1) fstab has no use.
> ***

But isn't this a 2nd hdd, i.e. sdb1? sda1 would be the 1st partion on your 1st 
drive as I understand it correctly.

> Just now I tried to start vista which I have problems with, and after that
> the /dev/sdb1 was there again.
> ***

Did windows per chance crash on an earlier boot? I've found ubuntu wont mount 
the drive if windows crashes and isn't rebooted 1st to fix the log entries. 
Meaning you need to reboot windows successfully and then reboot ubuntu for 
the drive/partion to show up in ubuntu.

> Then I ran gparted.
> I have (all made in order 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which I have read it must be for
> the partition table to work proper):
> sda1 	vista			(primary) - ntfs
> sda2		debian		(primary)	- ext3
> sda3		swap		(primary)
> sda4		extended
> sda5 	ubuntu		(logical)    -ext3
> sdb1		ext3 		(second external hd)
> ***
> Some 8 gb free on first hd - tried to make a new partition on this, but
> then there was a complain, that i should make an extended partition first
> (and it is there already)?
> ***

Alas I can't help on that count :(

> There seem to be a conflict somewhere!
> ***
> Wonder if ntfs could have something to do with the conflict?

I'd be surprised if there was a conflict with the ntfs file system. Have you 
installed ntfs read/write support? I did so on my laptop via automatix and it 
works fine for me. Only time I have any probs is if windows crashes and I 
forget to reboot windows 1st b4 restarting ubuntu.

Your fstab would seem to suggest the drive/partion is being detected and set 
as mountable. However u seem to have sumerized the fstab lines rather than 
give the actual ones? And tell me about vist probs. Dual booting vist and 
ubuntu on the other laptop

The fact that sdb1 shows sometimes and not at others reminds me of a post I 
saw when searching a lil while ago. That one ended up being a bios setting 
fro the drive. Might I suggest looking at the available options for it in  
thrhe bios? Maybe the clue is there


> > sudo mount /dev/sdb1
> >
> > ?
> >
> > Trying to remember the cat command that tells us which drives are
> > recognised. Maybe someone else can help there?
> >
> > Another quick thought. If repeating the instructions gets the drive
> > recognized again, try right clicking on the icon for the drive and
> > getting the details from its properties. Can't hurt.
> >
> > am trying to google for your your prob as well, i.g. search something
> > like "ubuntu feisty cant mount sata drive" assuming u'r using feisty. Try
> > an number of variations on the theme of course.
> >
> > I'll try and look further, but I suspect it's a variation on the prob I
> > had. Would definately suggest to check your bios settings as well. What
> > options r available for the drive in Q?
> >
> > James

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